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Publications - peer reviewed

Sealed-bid versus ascending spectrum auctions (previous title: The Favored but Flawed Simultaneous Multiple-round Auction)

(with Nicholas Bedard, Jacob Goeree and Jingjing Zhang)

Experimental Economics, 27, 299-324, 2024 

Trimming extreme opinions in preference aggregation​ (with Matias Nuñez and Dimitrios Xefteris)

Games & Economic Behavior, 137, 116-151, 2023

Coordination with Preferences over the Coalition Size (previous title: Protest Voting in the Laboratory)

(with Orestis Troumpounis, Nikolaos Tsakas and Dimitrios Xefteris)

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 194, 105-123, 2022

The Virtuous Cycle of Agreement (previous title: Beyond Outcomes: Experimental Evidence on the Value of Agreement )

(with Matias Nuñez and Dimitrios Xefteris) 

Economic Journal, 132 (641), 326-360, 2022

M Equilibrium: A Theory of Beliefs and Choices in Games  (with Jacob Goeree)

American Economic Review, vol. 111, no.12, 4002-4045, 2021

Noisy Introspection in the '11-20' Game. (with Jacob Goeree and Jingjing Zhang) 

Economic Journal, 128 (611), 1509-1530, 2018

Learning Aversion and Voting Rules in Collective Decision Making 

Economics Letters 133, 13-26, 2015

Other publications

Improving on Simple Majority Voting by Alternative Voting Mechanisms

(with Jacob Goeree and Jingjing Zhang)

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Oxford University Press, 2020

Rank-Dependent Choice Equilibrium: A non-parametric generalization of QRE 

(with Jacob Goeree, Charles Holt, Thomas Palfrey and Brian Rogers) 

The Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Experimental Economics,

edited by A. Schram and A. Ule, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2019

Working papers

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